Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cincinnati Rollergirls vs Minnesota Garda-Belts 2006-06-16 191

Last Saturday night the Cincinnati Roller Girls took a big step by defeating an experienced and highly rated out of town team when they outskated the Minnesota Garda-Belts at the Gardens. Although from what I heard the Minnesota team wasn't completely the A group, it was a great win for the local team. The CRG group led the whole night.

Check out shoot on Flickr,

then check out Jason's while you're at it...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cincinnati Roller Girls at the Cincinnati Gardens - 5/19/07

CRG_051907_0649.jpg, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

The Roller Girls make their debut at a major league arena and I am proud to say I was priveledged enough to be there to shoot it. This night featured two teams of all local skaters in front of a nice opening night crowd. The night was made doubly hectic for me because it was sandwiched between crises at work related to a big project we completed that same weekend. Because of that, I was lucky to be there at all. I ended up getting paged almost immediately after the final horn sounded.

Check out my contribution to the big event on Flickr,

then check out Jason's while you're at it...