Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The End of Winter

CNC_031107_0168.jpg, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

I actually made this image the week before my previous post. I've been editing this blogsite as I continue to get it up on its feet, and in the process I forgot to put this one in. So here it is. I'll probably edit the date later so it is in the correct order.

I have no idea what sort of plant life this is. I found them on a hike along he Geologic Trail at the Cincinnati Nature Center on the first warm day of the season, just before the official breaking of spring. What strikes me about this image is the flowers are pushing up through the dead remnants of last year's spring and summer.

The end of a hard winter has arrived. Barely a month ago we were digging ourselves out of an awful ice storm in Cincinnati. The ice has melted and given way to new life...

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