Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saint Louis at Cincinnati - Split Decision

CRG041810_Sheep_0278.jpg, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

The second home bout of the year brought Saint Louis's Arch Rival Rollergirls to town. The Sheep handed Saint Louis a big loss, 134-68, and it wasn't that close.

The Lambs did not have their best night.

This shot shows why we discourage the use of Speedlights in our photography at the Gardens. You can see the bright light behind Sadie and Kinney. Imagine that going off in your face. That's bad enough, now imagine having that going off in your face while you're on 8 wheels. Is it a safety hazard? Well, most derby photogs use flash and there does not seem to be a big movement to eliminate it. It probably isn't a problem, so safety can not be the real reason Jason and I discourage if not prohibit flash photography during our home bouts. The real reason is aesthetics.

It is inevitable though. Most photogs are slaves to their flash. Available light photography is hard. I can tell you that from extensive experience. But the results to me are worth the effort. Even though, I am not above using someone else's flash for effect. This image caught my eye because you can see the specs of dust on my camera lens illuminated by the other photographer's flash pointed back in my general direction...

See the whole Sheep set here...

See the whole Lambs set here...

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