Friday, November 25, 2011

Imperial Gallery Show

Thank you to everyone who visited us at Imperial Gallery this weekend for their 2011 Christmas art show.  I'm flattered Rita thought enough of my work to show it, and even more flattered than people took time out of their Thanksgiving weekend to come see us.  

If you'd like to see the pictures again, you can see them here.  That links you to my site where you can purchase prints at various sizes if you like.

The good people at Imperial Gallery do most of my framing work, so if you do make a purchase, I hope you consider them for your framing.  Rita and the crew do incredibly good work.  You simply won't find more skilled framers anywhere.

The Alaska 2009 project started with my second trip to America's 49th state.  I shot over 10,000 individual frames, then spent the better part of 18 months whittling them down the group of about 1700 that you found in the collection.  I was up there 12 days, and broke the project up by each.  Once the images were created, I posted my travel log on this blog page.  You can see those by clicking these links...

And if you want you can click here and it will take you to a collection of the entire project, where all 1700 plus images can be viewed, including the set of panoramas in which this one can be found.  I made this picture at midnight in Fairbanks the last night I was there.  This link is the same one in the links section up in the upper right hand corner of this page.  

Also one other note about me.  If you clicked around my Flickr pages you probably noticed it was dominated by my sports work, particularly with the Cincinnati Rollergirls.  I am on staff with the Cincinnati Rollergirls WFTDA Rollerderby team as an official staff photographer.  I travel the country with them during the Derby season, and use Flickr to post the pictures from those events.  It's huge fun and they are a great group of people to be associated with.  I've also done music shows around Cincinnati, and other sports as well as my personal photography work.  All of it can be seen on my Flickr pages.

If you have questions, contact me by email at jsevier[at]  Make sure to substitute the "@" symbol for [at] in my address.  We do that to protect ourselves from spammers on the internet when posting email addresses to blog sites.   

Thank you again for your interest in my work!  Happy Thanksgiving!