Sunday, August 26, 2007

CRG 081107 1128

CRG 081107 1128, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

Another fine night of roller derbying as the Cincinnati team traveled all the way to Wright State University's Nutter Center all the way up by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. The girls skated fast and hard on the "grippy" surface of the arena and dominated the Gem City team, and pretty much dominated the whole night. This night's shooting was marked by more personal work as I am continuing my attempt at capturing the intensity of this fledgling sport. I like to capture everyone's participation, including Geniene and Matt pictured above, who provide the PA services at the Cincinnati Gardens when the girls skate there.

See the whole shoot...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

THCDR 051207 0480

THCDR 051207 0480, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

A few months ago I had a chance to spend a Saturday night at the Southgate House. Kelly Thomas organized the event, a CD Release Party for a local band, Tupelo Honey. It took awhile for me to get to this post because I've been dealing with inadequate computer resources, a problem I am happy to have now resolved with my spanking new MacPro. No more problem. Where this shoot would have taken months to process, I got this one done in less than a week after I started it. Now I have a huge backlog to keep on slogging through.

Tupelo Honey stole the show that night, but there were also contributions by Lauren Houston, Wojo, Pete Dressman and S.U.N.
and last but certainly not least, Kelly Thomas and The Fabulous Pickups...

Check out shoot on Flickr.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Cincinnati Rollergirls vs Minnesota Garda-Belts 2006-06-16 191

Last Saturday night the Cincinnati Roller Girls took a big step by defeating an experienced and highly rated out of town team when they outskated the Minnesota Garda-Belts at the Gardens. Although from what I heard the Minnesota team wasn't completely the A group, it was a great win for the local team. The CRG group led the whole night.

Check out shoot on Flickr,

then check out Jason's while you're at it...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cincinnati Roller Girls at the Cincinnati Gardens - 5/19/07

CRG_051907_0649.jpg, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

The Roller Girls make their debut at a major league arena and I am proud to say I was priveledged enough to be there to shoot it. This night featured two teams of all local skaters in front of a nice opening night crowd. The night was made doubly hectic for me because it was sandwiched between crises at work related to a big project we completed that same weekend. Because of that, I was lucky to be there at all. I ended up getting paged almost immediately after the final horn sounded.

Check out my contribution to the big event on Flickr,

then check out Jason's while you're at it...

Monday, April 30, 2007

Cincinnati Roller Girls & Carolina Debutante Brawlers Pregame Group Shot

CRG_042207_0002-2.jpg, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

Only in Roller Derby will you find the two combatants posing for a group photograph before they start whacking each other. But there I was, standing behind Carolina's photographer Sam Bennett, who was clearly more pro than I. But, I scarfed the shot just the same.

The score for the bout was not what we'd have liked, but the showing was impressive for this fledgling Roller Derby team. There were numerous comments by the Carolina staff. They all seemed to feel like we've got the makings for a pretty impressive program in Cincy, so if nothing else the team left Raleigh with some respect.

Thanks go to Cedi, Christa, Vicki, and the rest of the team for taking care of every detail for me on the trip. All I had to do was get to the airport on time and take pictures when the competition started. The whole thing was first class all the way.

The shoot is posted now on Flickr.

Grounds of Saint Philomena Church, Clermont County, OH

Well how about this... I've gone international. A few weeks ago a very nice fellow from Arizona contacted me for permission to use these images of the Saint Philomena Catholic Church in Stonelick Township, Ohio. This was one of those Sunday drive adventures I took with Missy. The site is actually being maintained for an organization based in Italy, and can be seen here.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The End of Winter

CNC_031107_0168.jpg, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

I actually made this image the week before my previous post. I've been editing this blogsite as I continue to get it up on its feet, and in the process I forgot to put this one in. So here it is. I'll probably edit the date later so it is in the correct order.

I have no idea what sort of plant life this is. I found them on a hike along he Geologic Trail at the Cincinnati Nature Center on the first warm day of the season, just before the official breaking of spring. What strikes me about this image is the flowers are pushing up through the dead remnants of last year's spring and summer.

The end of a hard winter has arrived. Barely a month ago we were digging ourselves out of an awful ice storm in Cincinnati. The ice has melted and given way to new life...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oldest Parish in Clermont County

MIssy and I have been taking Sunday drives now that spring has arrived. They started out as scouting trips looking for a yet to be disclosed purpose, but they've become more of a traditional Sunday drive, complete with the aimless wandering about that gets people yelled at on Saturday. Can blue hair be far behind? But, hey, I bring the camera and suddenly they've become low-grade photo expeditions, so who knows what we might find?

We found this old lady tucked back off State Route 50 on a Sunday Drive last week. This is the oldest Catholic Parish in Clermont, County, Ohio. Not much significance in its location but the fact that it was built in 1839 and still in operation in this rural setting is impressive. They have one mass a week, at 8am on Sunday morning. See the whole Sunday Drive set


Sets are coming...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunset at Mount Storm A Few Days After the Ice... Storm

ICE07_021407_0524.jpg, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

Several days after the Ice Storm of '07 I found myself in Clifton at Mount Storm seeking a sunset. I set out to do the basic sunset image but quickly began fantasizing about doing something different, which had been my focus thorughout the entire week of shooting. I found this evergreen sagging from the weight of the ice upon it and decided to park it right there. I became so absorbed in the details of the tree I nearly forgot the sunset behind it. What drew me to this image was the ice capturing the late day sun rays.