Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oldest Parish in Clermont County

MIssy and I have been taking Sunday drives now that spring has arrived. They started out as scouting trips looking for a yet to be disclosed purpose, but they've become more of a traditional Sunday drive, complete with the aimless wandering about that gets people yelled at on Saturday. Can blue hair be far behind? But, hey, I bring the camera and suddenly they've become low-grade photo expeditions, so who knows what we might find?

We found this old lady tucked back off State Route 50 on a Sunday Drive last week. This is the oldest Catholic Parish in Clermont, County, Ohio. Not much significance in its location but the fact that it was built in 1839 and still in operation in this rural setting is impressive. They have one mass a week, at 8am on Sunday morning. See the whole Sunday Drive set


Sets are coming...

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi, I was looking for links to St. Philomena and found your blog. I am actually setting up a blog for St. Philomena, Stonelick and wondered if I could use one of your photos. I'm a little biased about this church as my family has attended for generations. Thanks for your consideration!