Saturday, May 3, 2008

San Francisco, Fall of 2007

SF 1107 0444, originally uploaded by jsevier14.

This image was short-listed by for inclusion in their summer 2008 Travel Guide for California. I didn't think much of it when I shot it, actually. I thought it to be too contrasty, and my eye tends to want to goose colors a bit, so I worried about that too. The composition wasn't perfect either, but, as with many things in life, you can think about them too much sometimes. And that's generally how it goes when I do a shoot. Rarely do I see anything I feel strongly about immediately. There was a time when I was disappointed with everything in the short term, so I started letting them sit a few weeks, or maybe even months, so I can review them more objectively. See the set of one of my favorite cities ever...

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